Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

hope almost died that day.

how terribly out of character for hope :( this depressed me for a few weeks, until i took a different bus route and saw...
this! this! this!
and later brought my beloved to see the news :)
and a few weeks later, found more evidence!
and shared the love again :)

hope the creeper.

yes, a good reminder that we all may sometimes feel hopeless overwriting our hope.
yet we keep running into reflections of hope. hope, not just a word, but a Person.
do you see hope when you look in the mirror?
hope, still thriving behind bars. hope, continually under construction.
hope is still creeping under the nose of the most rotten destruction and collective trauma as the bombing this city experienced and the massive violence this country and its neighbors inflicted on each other. hope, still waiting for us to wake up to the violence within each one of us. hope, still standing.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

hope shows up and shit gets real.

hope i pobeda za egipatsku revoluciju, victory for the Egyptian revolution!
hope i solidarnost sa grčkim radnicima i narodom egipta, solidarity with the Greek laborers and the people of Egypt!
hope in money? oh dear God no... that'll send us all down the drainpipes real fast...
hope for Srbija... hope winning out over nationalism... hope living even in the consumer center of this capital city...
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