Sunday, February 15, 2009

oh this messy spinning world. sometimes it just makes me wanna go home early, like Psalm 90:1 says LORD, in all generations you have been our home. or as a family friend of ours, a Southern preacher kind of guy, used to say to his son when he did something that got on his nerves, "Son?! you wanna meet Jesus early?!! well you just keep on doin that there and you will!" sometimes i think i would really kind of like that. send me to meet Jesus early, Mr. Williams, sir!

but then i get to see a roomful of salt-and-pepper-haired soft-wrinkled faces smile and tear up as my choir sings "swing low, sweet chariot", and i'm glad again that i've got a little (God-knows-how-much) more time left in life to make people smile and cry.

1 comment:

Josué Greenman said...

There is still a lot to be done on this earth anita...

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